Van Bi Điều Khiển Khí Nén

Van Bi Điều Khiển Khí Nén

- Vật liệu thân van: Đồng brass - Bronze, Inox 304, 316, gang, thép, nhựa...

- Trục van (ty van): Thép không gỉ SUS410, 304, 316...

- Bi van: Thép không gỉ Inox 304, Inox 316

- Vòng đệm bi van: Nhựa PTFE

- O-ring: FKM, PTFE...

- Áp lực làm việc: 10kgf/cm2, 16kgf/cm2, 20kgf/cm2, 25kgf/cm2, 40kgf/cm2,...

- Nhiệt độ hoạt động: 220 độ C

- Kiểu kết nối tiêu chuẩn: Nối ren BS - NPT, nối bích tiêu chuẩn JIS, BS, DIN, ANSI,...

- Kích thước: DN15, DN20, DN25, DN32, DN40, DN50, DN65, DN80, DN100, DN125, DN150, DN200, DN250,...


- Van bi điều khiển khí nén là gì ? có tên tiếng anh Pneumatic Actuator Ball Valve. Với việc kết hợp bộ tác động khí nén cho Van bi nó đã trở thành loại van bi được điều khiển tự động đóng mở bằng khí nén. Khi đó nó là 1 thiết bị hữu hiệu trong việc điều khiển đóng mở dòng lưu chất lưu thông trên hệ thống đường ống, góp phần tích cực để vận hành tự động dòng lưu chất trong đường ống của các nhà máy, cũng như dân dụng...


  • Cấu tạo Van BI Điều Khiển Điện gồm 2 phần: Phần thân van bi và Phần bộ điều khiển điện, được mô tả cấu tạo và thông số kỹ thuật như sau:


- Vật liệu thân van: Đồng brass - Bronze, Inox 304, 316, gang, thép, nhựa...

- Trục van (ty van): Thép không gỉ SUS410, 304, 316...

- Bi van: Thép không gỉ Inox 304, Inox 316

- Vòng đệm bi van: Nhựa PTFE

- O-ring: FKM, PTFE...

- Áp lực làm việc: 10kgf/cm2, 16kgf/cm2, 20kgf/cm2, 25kgf/cm2, 40kgf/cm2,...

- Nhiệt độ hoạt động: 220 độ C

- Kiểu kết nối tiêu chuẩn: Nối ren BS - NPT, nối bích tiêu chuẩn JIS, BS, DIN, ANSI,...

- Kích thước: DN15, DN20, DN25, DN32, DN40, DN50, DN65, DN80, DN100, DN125, DN150, DN200, DN250,...


- Bộ Điều Khiển Khí Nén (Pneumatic Actuator)

- Thiết bị truyền động bằng khí nén gọi tắt là ” đầu khí nén” có tên tiếng anh là Pneumatic Actuator là thết bị phụ của van, có hai loại cơ bản. Cả 2 dạng đều có cấu tạo chung chỉ khác là dạng tác động đơn có tích hợp thêm các lò xo, còn tác động kép thì không.

2.1.1 Bộ Tác Động Kép Khí Nén Van Bi

- Là dạng (Double Acting)

Van bi điều khiển khí nén là gì ? Pneumatic Actuator Ball Valve là van được đóng mở dưới tác động của áp lực khí nén. Nhập khẩu van bi điều khiển khí nén, phân phối van bi điều khiển khí nén, bảng báo giá van bi điều khiển khí nén, van bi điều khiển khí nén Hà nội, van bi điều khiển khí nén VINDEC


2.2.2 Bộ Tác Đơn Khiển Khí Nén Van Bi

- Nó là dạng Single Acting

- Single-acting actuator ( the ones with springs) have 2 ports as well. One is connected to the actuation side, the other to spring chamber.




3.1.1. Van Bi Đồng Điều Khiển Khí Nén

3.1.2. Van Bi Gang Điều Khiển Khí Nén

3.1.3. Van Bi INOX Điều Khiển Khí Nén

3.1.4. Van Bi Thép Điều Khiển Khí Nén

3.1.5. Van Bi Nhựa Điều Khiển Khí Nén

3.1.6. Van Bi 3 Ngả Điều Khiển Khí Nén


3.2.1. Van Bi Nối Ren Điều Khiển Khí Nén

3.2.2. Van Bi Mặt Bích Điều Khiển Khí Nén

3.2.3. Van Bi Nối Kẹp Điều Khiển Khí Nén

3.2.4. Van Bi Rắc Co Điều Khiển Khí Nén


- Van bi điều khiển khí nén thường được ứng dụng vào các hệ thống đường ống và hệ thống tự động hóa như:

- Xử lý nước sạch, nước thải, sản xuất hóa chất.

- Sản xuất thực phẩm, đồ uống, bán dẫn điện tử.

- Mạ, điện phân và các ứng dụng hóa chất khác.


Nickel Plated Brass Ball Valve Double Acting Threaded Ends

Van Bi Đồng Mạ Niken Điều Khiển Khí Nén 2 Tác Động Nối Ren

2 way 2 piece full bore nickel plated brass ball valve with BSP threaded connections with a double acting pneumatic actuator (rack and pinion). Self adjusting stem packing assembly with Belleville spring for temperature fluctuations and vibration. Pre drilled metric hole on ISO5211 direct mounting pad to minimise any thermal transfer from valve to actuator. PTFE seats for temperatures up to 100°C. Anodised aluminium double acting pneumatic actuator. Typical applications include water treatment, petrochemical and general industry. Threads conform to ISO 7.1 Sealing Threads.



Size: 1/2" to 1 1/2" BSP
Body: Nickel Plated Brass
Seat: PTFE
Pressure: 16 BAR
Temperature: -10°C to 100°C
Actuation: Double Acting Pneumatic




Number Part Material
1 Visual Indicator UV Stabilized Thermoplastic
2 Stops Stainless Steel
3 Inlet Ports/Namur Interface Anodised Aluminium
4 Drive Nickel Plated Brass
5 Chevron Seals PTFE
6 Backing O-Ring Viton
7 Thrust Washer PTFE
8 End Piece Nickel Plated Brass
9 Seat PTFE
10 Ball 316 Stainless Steel
11 Body Nickel Plated Brass

Brass Ball Valve, Double Acting Pneumatic Actuated, Threaded Ends

Van Bi Đồng Điều Khiển Khí Nén 2 Tác Động Nối Ren

2 way 2 piece full bore nickel plated brass ball valve with BSP threaded connections with a double acting pneumatic actuator (rack and pinion). Self adjusting stem packing assembly with Belleville spring for temperature fluctuations and vibration. Pre drilled metric hole on ISO5211 direct mounting pad to minimise any thermal transfer from valve to actuator. PTFE seats for temperatures up to 100°C. Anodised aluminium double acting pneumatic actuator. Typical applications include water treatment, petrochemical and general industry. Threads conform to ISO 7.1 Sealing Threads.



Size: 1/2" to 1 1/2" BSP
Body: Nickel Plated Brass
Seat: PTFE
Pressure: 16 BAR
Temperature: -10°C to 100°C
Actuation: Double Acting Pneumatic


Number Part Material
1 Visual Indicator UV Stabilized Thermoplastic
2 Stops Stainless Steel
3 Inlet Ports/Namur Interface Anodised Aluminium
4 Drive Nickel Plated Brass
5 Chevron Seals PTFE
6 Backing O-Ring Viton
7 Thrust Washer PTFE
8 End Piece Nickel Plated Brass
9 Seat PTFE
10 Ball 316 Stainless Steel
11 Body Nickel Plated Brass


Brass Ball Valve Spring Return Pneumatic Actuator Threaded Ends

Van Bi Đồng Điều Khiển Khí Nén 1 Tác Động Có Lò Xo Nối Ren

2 way 2 piece full bore nickel plated brass ball valve with BSP threaded connections and a spring return pneumatic actuator (rack and pinion). Self adjusting stem packing assembly with Belleville spring for temperature fluctuations and vibration. Pre drilled metric hole on ISO5211 direct mounting pad to minimise any thermal transfer from valve to actuator. PTFE seats for temperatures up to 100°C. Anodised aluminium spring return pneumatic actuator. Typical applications include water treatment, petrochemical and general industry. Threads conform to ISO 7.1 Sealing Threads.



Size 1/2" to 1 1/2" BSP
Body Nickel Plated Brass
Pressure 16 BAR
Temperature -10°C to 100°C
Actuation Spring Return Pneumatic




Number Part Material
1 Visual Indicator UV Stabilized Thermoplastic
2 Stops Stainless Steel
3 Inlet Ports/Namur Interface Anodised Aluminium
4 Drive Nickel Plated Brass
5 Chevron Seals PTFE
6 Backing O-Ring Viton
7 Thrust Washer PTFE
8 End Piece Nickel Plated Brass
9 Seat PTFE
10 Ball 316 Stainless Steel
11 Body Nickel Plated Brass

Van Bi Gang Điều Khiển Khí Nén

Van bi gang điều khiển khí nén có tên tiếng anh là Pneumatically Actuated Bronze / Brass Ball Valves là dòng van bi được gắn thêm bộ tác động khí nén để làm quay trục ty van truyền lực tới bi van nhằm mục đích đóng mở tự động van bi theo yêu cầu mục đích sử dụng trong công việc được hiệu quả hơn.

Van Bi Inox 3 Thân Điều Khiển Khí Nén Nối Ren

Thông Số Kỹ Thuật Van Bi Inox 3 Mảnh

Thân: inox 304

Bi : Inox 304

Trục : Inox 304

Seat : PTFE

Áp suất : 1000 psi

Kết nối : Ren BSPP / NPT

Nhiệt độ làm việc: Max 180 độ C

Điều khiển bằng khí nén Single Acting / Double Acting.

Phụ kiện đi kèm: Solenoid + Lọc khí (Air Regulator)


Van Bi INOX 304 - 316 Điều Khiển Khí Nén Nối Mặt Bích

Thông Số Kỹ Thuật Thân Van: Xem Tại: Van Bi INOX

Thông Số Kỹ Thuật Bộ Điều Khiển Điện

Actuator: Nhôm đúc

Type: Double Acting

Nguồn khí cấp: Max 8 kgf/cm2

Thân van: Inox SS316L, SS316, SS304, SS304L

Đệm van: PTFE, TFM1600,PEEK

Kết nối: Nối bích ASME B16.34 class 150, ASME B16.34 class 300 DIN PN16, PN25, PN40, JIS 10K, JIS16K, 20K

Áp suất làm việc: Max 10 kgf/cm2

Nhiệt độ làm việc: 180°C

Ứng dụng: Dùng cho Water, Oil, Alcohol, Neutral gas, Liquid, Acid..etc

Bộ điều khiển khí nén ( Pneumatic Actuator)

Tác động kép van bi điều khiển khí nén ( Double acting)

Tác động đơn ( Single acting): Single-acting actuator ( the ones with springs) have 2 ports as well. One is connected to the actuation side, the other to spring chamber

Kích thước: DN15 – 052DA, DN20 – 052DA, DN25 – 052DA, DN25 – 063DA, DN32 – 063DA, DN32 – 075DA, DN40 – 075DA, DN40 – 083DA, DN50 – 083DA, DN50 – 092DA, DN65 – 092DA, DN80 – 092DA, DN80 – 105DA, DN100 – 105DA, DN100 – 125DA

Ưu điểm Van Bi Điều Khiển Khí Nén:

Độ an toàn cao không xảy ra hiện tượng cháy nổ.

Chịu được áp lực làm việc rất lớn.

Thích hợp với nhiều môi trường làm việc khác nhau như: khí nén, nước sạch, nước thải,…

Nhược Điểm Van Bi Điều Khiển Khí Nén:

Van bi inox điều khiển khí nén có chi phí cao.

Van Bi Inox 3PC Điều Khiển Khí Nén Với Lò Xo / Stainless Steel Spring Return Ball Valve

High performance 3 piece full bore 316 Stainless Steel ball valve with BSP threaded connections and a spring return pneumatic actuator. Self adjusting stem packing assembly with Belleville spring for temperature fluctuations and vibration. Pre drilled metric hole on ISO5211 direct mounting pad to minimise any thermal transfer from valve to actuator. Reinforced PTFE seats for temperatures up to 180°C. Anodised aluminium spring return pneumatic actuator which allows a fail safe position if air is lost. Typical applications include water treatment, chemical, marine, petrochemical and general industry. Length to DIN3202-M3 and Threads to ISO7/1. Watermark valves available upon request, contact Sales for more information. Watermark License Number WMK26529 approved to WMTS 012:2018.


Size 1/4" to 4" BSP
Body 316 Stainless Steel 3 piece
Seat Reinforced PTFE
Pressure 63 BAR
Temperature -20°C to 180°C
Actuation Spring Return Pneumatic

Cấu Tạo:

Item Article Material
1 Visual Indicator UV Stabilised Thermoplastic
2 Adjustable Stops Stainless Steel
3 Supply Ports Threaded & Namur Interface
4 Drive 316 Stainless Steel
5 Chevron Seals Reinforced Teflon
6 Backing O-ring Viton
7 Thrust Washer Reinforced Teflon
8 ISO Mounting Pad 316 Stainless Steel
9 Tie Rods 316 Stainless Steel
10 Washer 316 Stainless Steel
11 Nut 316 Stainless Steel
12 Ball Polished 316 Stainless Steel
13 Seats Reinforced Teflon
14 Body 316 Stainless Steel


Stainless Steel Fire Safe Ball Valve Double Acting Pnuematic ANSI 150 Flanged

Van Bi Inox Điều Khiển Khí Nén Chống Cháy Nổ

High quality 316 Stainless Steel ANSI 150 flanged 2 way ball valve with a direct mounted double acting pneumatic actuator. This allows the user to air open/air close the ball valve. Features reinforced Teflon seats (RTFE) allowing it to handle media up to 180°C and an anodised aluminium actuator with visual indicator. Ball valve designed & manufactured to ANSI B16.34, face to face complies with ANSI B16.10, flange ends comply with ANSI B16.5 and testing and inspection according to API598. Great for fuel applications, pipelines, water treatment and general industry. Ball valve Firesafe Approved API607 Sixth Edition, Cert. No 230679.


Size (mm) Actuator Media Pressure Media Temperature Actuator Pressure
15 DA50 Vacuum (29" Hg) to 20 BAR (10 BAR Steam) -20°C to 180°C 6 to 8 BAR
20 DA50 Vacuum (29" Hg) to 20 BAR (10 BAR Steam) -20°C to 180°C 6 to 8 BAR
25 DA50 Vacuum (29" Hg) to 20 BAR (10 BAR Steam) -20°C to 180°C 6 to 8 BAR
32 DA63 Vacuum (29" Hg) to 20 BAR (10 BAR Steam) -20°C to 180°C 6 to 8 BAR
40 DA63 Vacuum (29" Hg) to 20 BAR (10 BAR Steam) -20°C to 180°C 6 to 8 BAR
50 DA75 Vacuum (29" Hg) to 20 BAR (10 BAR Steam) -20°C to 180°C 6 to 8 BAR
63 DA88 Vacuum (29" Hg) to 20 BAR (10 BAR Steam) -20°C to 180°C 6 to 8 BAR
80 DA100 Vacuum (29" Hg) to 20 BAR (10 BAR Steam) -20°C to 180°C 6 to 8 BAR
100 DA115 Vacuum (29" Hg) to 20 BAR (10 BAR Steam) -20°C to 180°C 6 to 8 BAR
125 DA125 Vacuum (29" Hg) to 20 BAR (10 BAR Steam) -20°C to 180°C 6 to 8 BAR
150 DA145 Vacuum (29" Hg) to 20 BAR (10 BAR Steam) -20°C to 180°C 6 to 8 BAR
200 DA160 Vacuum (29" Hg) to 20 BAR (10 BAR Steam) -20°C to 180°C 6 to 8 BAR
250 DA200 Vacuum (29" Hg) to 20 BAR (10 BAR Steam) -20°C to 180°C 6 to 8 BAR
300 DA240 Vacuum (29" Hg) to 20 BAR (10 BAR Steam) -20°C to 180°C 6 to 8 BAR



Size: 15mm to 300mm
Body: 316 Stainless Steel
Seat: PTFE
Pressure: 20 Bar @ ambient
Temperature: -20°C to 180°C
Actuation: Double Acting Pnuematic
Fire Safe API607 Approved



Number Item Material
1 Visual Indicator UV Stabilised Thermoplastic
2 Adjustable Stops 316 Stainless Steel
3 Double Acting Pneumatic Actuator Anodized Aluminium
4 Pressure Ports / Namur Interface Anodized Aluminium
5 Chevron Seals Pure Graphite
6 Backing O-ring Viton
7 Thrust Washer Pure PTFE
8 Ball Polished 316 Stainless Steel
9 Seats Pure PTFE
10 Mounting Pad 316 Stainless Steel
11 Body 316 Stainless Steel
12 Flange 316 Stainless Steel


Stainless Steel Ball Valve Pneumatic Actuated Double Acting Threaded Ends

Van Bi INOX 316 3 Thân Điều Khiển Khí Nén 2 Tác Động Nối Ren

High performance 3 piece full bore 316 Stainless Steel ball valve with BSP threaded connections and a double acting pneumatic actuator. Self adjusting stem packing assembly with Belleville spring for temperature fluctuations and vibration. Pre drilled metric hole on ISO5211 direct mounting pad to minimise any thermal transfer from valve to actuator. Reinforced PTFE seats for temperatures up to 180°C. Anodised aluminium double acting pneumatic actuator. Typical applications include water treatment, chemical, marine, petrochemical and general industry. Length to DIN3202-M3 and Threads to ISO7/1. Watermark valves available upon request, contact Sales for more information. Watermark License Number WMK26529 approved to WMTS 012:2018.



Size 1/4" to 4" BSP
Body 316 Stainless Steel 3 piece
Seat Reinforced PTFE
Pressure 63 BAR
Temperature -20°C to 180°C
Actuation Double Acting Pneumatic


Size (BSP) DN (mm) Actuator Media Pressure Media Temperature Actuator Pressure
1/4 8 DA50 Vacuum (29" Hg) to 63 BAR (10 BAR Steam) -20°C to 180°C 6 to 8 BAR
3/8 10 DA50 Vacuum (29" Hg) to 63 BAR (10 BAR Steam) -20°C to 180°C 6 to 8 BAR
1/2 15 DA50 Vacuum (29" Hg) to 63 BAR (10 BAR Steam) -20°C to 180°C 6 to 8 BAR
3/4 20 DA50 Vacuum (29" Hg) to 63 BAR (10 BAR Steam) -20°C to 180°C 6 to 8 BAR
1 25 DA50 Vacuum (29" Hg) to 63 BAR (10 BAR Steam) -20°C to 180°C 6 to 8 BAR
1 ¼ 32 DA63 Vacuum (29" Hg) to 63 BAR (10 BAR Steam) -20°C to 180°C 6 to 8 BAR
1 ½ 40 DA63 Vacuum (29" Hg) to 63 BAR (10 BAR Steam) -20°C to 180°C 6 to 8 BAR
2 50 DA75 Vacuum (29" Hg) to 63 BAR (10 BAR Steam) -20°C to 180°C 6 to 8 BAR
2 ½ 65 DA88 Vacuum (29" Hg) to 63 BAR (10 BAR Steam) -20°C to 180°C 6 to 8 BAR
3 80 DA100 Vacuum (29" Hg) to 63 BAR (10 BAR Steam) -20°C to 180°C 6 to 8 BAR
4 100 DA115 Vacuum (29" Hg) to 63 BAR (10 BAR Steam) -20°C to 180°C 6 to 8 BAR




Item Article Material
1 Visual Indicator UV Stabilised Thermoplastic
2 Adjustable Stops Stainless Steel
3 Supply Ports Threaded & Namur Interface
4 Drive 316 Stainless Steel
5 Chevron Seals Reinforced Teflon
6 Backing O-ring Viton
7 Thrust Washer Reinforced Teflon
8 ISO Mounting Pad 316 Stainless Steel
9 Tie Rods 316 Stainless Steel
10 Washer 316 Stainless Steel
11 Nut 316 Stainless Steel
12 Ball Polished 316 Stainless Steel
13 Seats Reinforced Teflon
14 Body 316 Stainless Steel


Stainless Steel Ball Valve, Spring Return Pneumatic Operation ANSI 150 Flanged

Van Bi INOX Chống Cháy Nổ Điều Khiển Khí Nén Lắp Bích ANSI 150

Two piece two way ANSI 150 lb flanged fire safe approved ball valve, spring return pneumatic operation. 316 Stainless Steel body, PTFE seats, FKM backing ring, live loaded packing and anti static device. Ball valve designed & manufactured to ANSI B16.34, face to face complies with ANSI B16.10, flange ends comply with ANSI B16.5 and testing and inspection according to API598. Firesafe Approved API607 Sixth Edition, Cert. No 230679. Direct coupled anodised aluminium pneumatic spring return actuator with visual indicator. Media temp -20°C to 180°C.



Size: 15mm to 250mm
Body: 316 Stainless Steel
Seat: PTFE
Pressure: 150 pound
Temperature: -20°C to 180°C
Actuation: Spring Return Pneumatic
Fire Safe API607 Approved



Item Article Material
1 Visual Indicator UV Stabilised Thermoplastic
2 Adjustable Stops 316 Stainless Steel
3 Spring Return Pneumatic Actuator Sealed Aluminium
4 Pressure Ports / Namur Interface Sealed Aluminium
5 Chevron Seals Pure Graphite
6 Backing O-ring Viton
7 Thrust Washer Pure PTFE
8 Ball Polished 316 Stainless Steel
9 Seats Pure PTFE
10 Mounting Pad 316 Stainless Steel
11 Body 316 Stainless Steel
12 Flange 316 Stainless Steel


Stainless Steel Ball Valve, Penumatic Actuator Double Acting, ANSI 300 Flanged

Van Bi INOX Điều Khiển Khí Nén 2 Tác Động Lắp Bích ANSI 3000

Two piece two way ANSI 300lb flanged fire safe approved ball valve,with anodised aluminium double acting penumatic actuator, visual indicator & solid ball. 316 Stainless Steel body, PTFE seats, FKM backing ring, live loaded packing and anti static device. Firesafe Approved API607 Sixth Edition, Cert. No 218781. ISO5211 Mounting Pad allowing direct coupling of actuation. Great for fuel applications, pipelines, water treatment and general industry. 

Design & Manufacture to ANSI B16.34

Face to Face comply with ANSI B16.10

Flange Ends comply with ANSI  B16.5

Inspection & Testing in accordance wtih API598



Size: 15mm to 100mm
Body: 316 Stainless Steel
Seat: PTFE
Pressure: 50 Bar @ ambient
Temperature: -20°C to 180°C
Actuation: Double Acting Pnuematic
Fire Safe API607 Approved



Number Item Material
1 Visual Indicator UV Stabilised Thermoplastic
2 Adjustable Stops 316 Stainless Steel
3 Double Acting Pneumatic Actuator Anodized Aluminium
4 Pressure Ports / Namur Interface Anodized Aluminium
5 Chevron Seals Pure Graphite
6 Backing O-ring Viton
7 Thrust Washer Pure PTFE
8 Ball Polished 316 Stainless Steel
9 Seats Pure PTFE
10 Mounting Pad 316 Stainless Steel
11 Body 316 Stainless Steel
12 Flange 316 Stainless Steel


Stainless Steel Ball Valve, Fire Safe, Spring Return, ANSI 300 Flanged

Van Bi Điều Khiển Khí Nén 1 Tác Động Lắp Mặt Bích ANSI Class 300


Two piece two way ANSI 300lb flanged fire safe approved ball valve,with anodised aluminium srping return penumatic actuator, visual indicator & solid ball. 316 Stainless Steel body, PTFE seats, FKM backing ring, live loaded packing and anti static device. Firesafe Approved API607 Sixth Edition, Cert. No 218781. ISO5211 Mounting Pad allowing direct coupling of actuation. Great for fuel applications, pipelines, water treatment and general industry. 

Design & Manufacture to ANSI B16.34

Face to Face comply with ANSI B16.10

Flange Ends comply with ANSI  B16.5

Inspection & Testing in accordance wtih API598



Size: 15mm to 100mm
Body: 316 Stainless Steel
Seat: PTFE
Pressure: 50 Bar @ ambient
Temperature: -20°C to 180°C
Actuation: Spring Return Pnuematic
Fire Safe API607 Approved



Number Item Material
1 Visual Indicator UV Stabilised Thermoplastic
2 Adjustable Stops 316 Stainless Steel
3 Double Acting Pneumatic Actuator Anodized Aluminium
4 Pressure Ports / Namur Interface Anodized Aluminium
5 Chevron Seals Pure Graphite
6 Backing O-ring Viton
7 Thrust Washer Pure PTFE
8 Ball Polished 316 Stainless Steel
9 Seats Pure PTFE
10 Mounting Pad 316 Stainless Steel
11 Body 316 Stainless Steel
12 Flange 316 Stainless Steel




Cast Steel Ball Valve, Fire Safe, Double Acting ANSI 150 Flanged

Van Bi Thép Điều Khiển Khí Nén 2 Tác Động Mặt Bích ANSI 150

Two piece two way ANSI 150 lb flanged fire safe approved ball valve, double acting pneumatic operation. Black Carbon Steel body, PTFE seats, FKM backing ring, live loaded packing and anti static device. Anodized aluminium actuator with visual indictor and namur interface. Ball valve designed & manufactured to ANSI B16.34, face to face complies with ANSI B16.10, flange ends comply with ANSI B16.5 and testing and inspection according to API598. Firesafe Approved API607 Sixth Edition, Cert. No 249037. Direct coupled anodiesed aluminium pneumatic double acting actuator with visual indicator. Media temp -20°C to 180°C.



Size: 15mm to 300mm
Body: Carbon Steel
Seat: PTFE
Pressure: 150 pound
Temperature: -20°C to 180°C
Actuation: Double Acting Pneumatic
Fire Safe API607 6th E. Cert. No 218781



Item Article Material
1 Visual Indicator UV Stabilised Thermoplastic
2 Adjustable Stops 316 Stainless Steel
3 Double Acting Pneumatic Actuator Anodized Aluminium
4 Pressure Ports / Namur Interface Anodized Aluminium
5 Chevron Seals Pure Graphite
6 Backing O-ring Viton
7 Thrust Washer Pure PTFE
8 Ball Polished 316 Stainless Steel
9 Seats Pure PTFE
10 Mounting Pad Carbon Steel
11 Body Carbon Steel
12 Flange Carbon Steel


Cast Steel Ball Valve, Fire Safe, Pneumatic Operation Spring Return, ANSI 150 Flanged

Van Bi Thép Điều Khiển Khí Nén Lò Xo Chống Cháy Lắp Mặt Bích ANSI 150

Two piece two way ANSI 150 lb flanged fire safe approved ball valve, spring return pneumatic operation. Carbon Steel body, PTFE seats, FKM backing ring, live loaded packing and anti static device. Anodized aluminium actuator with visual indictor and namur interface. Ball valve designed & manufactured to ANSI B16.34, face to face complies with ANSI B16.10, flange ends comply with ANSI B16.5 and testing and inspection according to API598. Firesafe Approved API607 Sixth Edition, Cert. No 249037. Direct coupled anodiesed aluminium pneumatic spring return actuator with visual indicator. Media temp -20°C to 180°C



Size: 15mm to 200mm
Body: Carbon Steel
Seat: PTFE
Pressure: 150 pound
Temperature: -20°C to 180°C
Actuation: Spring Return Pneumatic
Fire Safe API607 6th E. Cert. No 218781



Item Article Material
1 Visual Indicator UV Stabilised Thermoplastic
2 Adjustable Stops 316 Stainless Steel
3 Spring Return Pneumatic Actuator Sealed Aluminium
4 Pressure Ports / Namur Interface Sealed Aluminium
5 Chevron Seals Pure Graphite
6 Backing O-ring Viton
7 Thrust Washer Pure PTFE
8 Ball Polished 316 Stainless Steel
9 Seats Pure PTFE
10 Mounting Pad Cast Steel
11 Body Cast Steel
12 Flange Cast Steel

3 Way Stainless Steel Ball Valve Pneumatic Actuated Spring Return

Van Bi INOX 3 Thân Điều Khiển Khí Nén Có Lò Xo

High performance 3 way (L and T port) reduced bore 316 Stainless Steel ball valve with BSP threaded connections and a spring return pneumatic actuator. Self adjusting stem packing assembly with Belleville spring for temperature fluctuations and vibration. Long neck to minimise any thermal transfer from valve to actuator. Reinforced PTFE seats for temperatures up to 180°C. The spring in the actuator allows the valve to return to a rest position in the case of loss of air. Typical applications include water treatment, chemical, marine, petrochemical and general industry.


Size(BSP) Orifice (mm) Actuator Media Pressure Media Temperature Actuator Pressure
1/4 8 SR50 Vacuum (29" Hg) to 63 Bar (10 Bar Steam) -20°C to 180°C 6 to 8 BAR
3/8 10 SR50 Vacuum (29" Hg) to 63 Bar (10 Bar Steam) -20°C to 180°C 6 to 8 BAR
1/2 12 SR50 Vacuum (29" Hg) to 63 Bar (10 Bar Steam) -20°C to 180°C 6 to 8 BAR
3/4 15 SR63 Vacuum (29" Hg) to 63 Bar (10 Bar Steam) -20°C to 180°C 6 to 8 BAR
1 20 SR63 Vacuum (29" Hg) to 63 Bar (10 Bar Steam) -20°C to 180°C 6 to 8 BAR
1 1/4 25 SR75 Vacuum (29" Hg) to 63 Bar (10 Bar Steam) -20°C to 180°C 6 to 8 BAR
1 ½ 32 SR88 Vacuum (29" Hg) to 63 Bar (10 Bar Steam) -20°C to 180°C 6 to 8 BAR
2 43 SR100 Vacuum (29" Hg) to 63 Bar (10 Bar Steam) -20°C to 180°C 6 to 8 BAR
2 ½ 55 SR115 Vacuum (29" Hg) to 63 Bar (10 Bar Steam) -20°C to 180°C 6 to 8 BAR
3 66 SR125 Vacuum (29" Hg) to 63 Bar (10 Bar Steam) -20°C to 180°C 6 to 8 BAR



Size 1/4" to 3" BSP
Body 316 Stainless Steel
Seat Reinfoced PTFE
Pressure  63 BAR
Temperature -20°C to 180°C
Actuation Spring Return Pneumatic


3 Way Brass Ball Valve Double Acting Pneumatic Actuator

Van Bi Đồng 3 Ngã Điều Khiển Khí Nén 2 Tác Động

High performance 3 way (L and T port) full bore nickel plated brass ball valve with BSP threaded connections and a double acting pneumatic actuator. Self adjusting stem packing assembly with Belleville spring for temperature fluctuations and vibration. Long neck to minimise any thermal transfer from valve to actuator. PTFE seats for temperatures up to 100°C. Typical applications include water treatment, petrochemical and general industry. Threads conform to ISO 7.1 Sealing Threads.



Size: 1/2" to 1 1/2" BSP
Body: Nickel Plated Brass
Seat: PTFE
Pressure: 16 BAR
Temperature: -10°C to 100°C
Actuation: Double Acting Pneumatic




Item Article Material
1 Visual Indicator UV Stabilised Thermoplastic
2 Adjustable Stops Stainless Steel
3 Pressure Ports Threaded
4 Drive 316 Stainless Steel
5 Retainer 316 Stainless Steel
6 Chevron Seals Teflon
7 Backing O-ring Viton
8 Thrust Washer Teflon
9 Seats Teflon
10 Body Nickel Plated Brass
11 End Connection Nickel Plated Brass


3 Way Brass Ball Valve Pneumatic Actuator Spring Return

Van Bi Đồng 3 Ngã Điều Khiển Khí Nén 1 Tác Động Nối Ren


High performance 3 way (L and T port) full bore nickel plated brass ball valve with BSP threaded connections and a spring return pneumatic actuator (fail close or fail open). Self adjusting stem packing assembly with Belleville spring for temperature fluctuations and vibration. Long neck to minimise any thermal transfer from valve to actuator. PTFE seats for temperatures up to 100°C. Typical applications include water treatment, petrochemical and general industry. Threads conform to ISO 7.1 Sealing Threads.



Size 1/2" to 1 1/2" BSP
Body Nickel Plated Brass
Pressure 16 BAR
Temperature -10°C to 100°C
Actuation Spring Return Pneumatic



Item Article Material
1 Visual Indicator UV Stabilised Thermoplastic
2 Adjustable Stops Stainless Steel
3 Pressure Ports Threaded
4 Drive 316 Stainless Steel
5 Retainer 316 Stainless Steel
6 Chevron Seals Teflon
7 Backing O-ring Viton
8 Thrust Washer Teflon
9 Seats Teflon
10 Body Nickel Plated Brass
11 End Connection Nickel Plated Brass


3 Way Stainless Steel Ball Valve Double Acting Pneumatic Actuator

Van Bi 3 Ngã INOX Điều Khiển Khí Nén 2 Tác Động Nối Ren


High performance 3 way (L and T port) reduced bore 316 Stainless Steel ball valve with BSP threaded connections and a double acting pneumatic actuator. Self adjusting stem packing assembly with Belleville spring for temperature fluctuations and vibration. Long neck to minimise any thermal transfer from valve to actuator. Reinforced PTFE seats for temperatures up to 180°C. Typical applications include water treatment, chemical, marine, petrochemical and general industry. Threads conform to ISO 7.1 Sealing Threads.



Size 1/4" to 3" BSP
Body 316 Stainless Steel
Seat Reinfoced PTFE
Pressure  63 BAR
Temperature -20°C to 180°C
Actuation Double Acting Pneumatic




Item Article Material
1 Visual Indicator UV Stabilised Thermoplastic
2 Adjustable Stops Stainless Steel
3 Pressure Ports Threaded
4 Drive 316 Stainless Steel
5 Retainer 316 Stainless Steel
6 Chevron Seals Reinforced Teflon
7 Backing O-ring Viton
8 Thrust Washer Reinforced Teflon
9 Seats Reinforced Teflon
10 Body 316 Stainless Steel
11 End Connection 316 Stainless Steel


3 Way Stainless Steel, Pneumatic Actuator Double Acting Flanged

Van 3 Ngã Điều Khiển Khí Nén 2 Tác Động Lắp Mặt Bích

High performance 3 way full bore 316 Stainless Steel ball valve with ANSI 150 flanged connections and a double acting pneumatic actuator. Self adjusting stem packing assembly with belleville spring for temperature fluctuations and vibration. Pre drilled metric ISO5211 direct mounting pad to minimise any thermal transfer from valve to actuator. Reinforced PTFE seats for temperatures up to 180°C. Anodized aluminium rack and pinion actuator with visual indicator, namur interface and stop adjustments. Typical applications include water treatment, chemical, marine, petrochemical and general industry.



Size: 15mm to 100mm
Body: 316 Stainless Steel
Pressure: 20 BAR @ ambient
Temperature: -10°C to 180°C
Actuation: Double Acting Pneumatic
Port: L or T port



Number Item Material
1 Flanged End CF8M
2 Seat Reinforced PTFE
3 Ball ASTM A182 316
4 Body ASTM A351 CF8M
5 Shaft ASTM A276 316
6 Thrust Washer SS201
7 Chevron Packing PTFE
8 Shaft Seal Oring Viton
9 Belleville Washers SS201
10 Retaining Nut SS304
13 Shaft Seal Viton
14 Cap Gasket PTFE
15 Pneumatic Actuator Anodized Aluminium
16 Stops ASTM A276 316
17 Indicator Thermoplastic
18 Bonnet ASTM A351 CF8M



DN Actuator A B C D E F G H L T
15 DA50 138 90 60.5 89 70 2 35 134.5 152 11
20 DA63 162 100 70 98 80 2 43 150 167 11
25 DA63 162 100 79.5 108 80 2 51 155 180 12
32 DA75 208 117 89 117 97 2 64 175.5 190 13
40 DA88 245 136 98.5 127 116 2 73 180.5 212 15
50 DA100 266 142 120.5 152 122 2 92 212 230 16
65 DA115 310 172 139.5 178 142 2 105 231 290 18
80 DA125 340 184 152.5 190 154 2 127 267.25 310 19
100 DA145 401 209 190.5 229 179 2 157 298.5 350 24


3 Way Stainless Steel Pneumatic Actuator Spring Return Flanged

Van Bi 3 Ngả Inox Điều Khiển Khí Nén 1 Tác Động Lắp Mặt Bích

High performance 3 way full bore 316 Stainless Steel ball valve with ANSI 150 flanged connections and a spring return pneumatic actuator. Self adjusting stem packing assembly with belleville spring for temperature fluctuations and vibration. Pre drilled metric ISO5211 direct mounting pad to minimise any thermal transfer from valve to actuator. Reinforced PTFE seats for temperatures up to 180°C. Anodized aluminium rack and pinion actuator with visual indicator, namur interface and stop adjustments. Typical applications include water treatment, chemical, marine, petrochemical and general industry.



Size: 15mm to 200mm
Body: 316 Stainless Steel
Pressure: 20 BAR @ ambient
Temperature -10°C to 180°C
Actuation: Spring Return Pneumatic
Port  L or T port



Number Item Material
1 Flanged End CF8M
2 Seat Reinforced PTFE
3 Ball ASTM A182 316
4 Body ASTM A351 CF8M
5 Shaft ASTM A276 316
6 Thrust Washer SS201
7 Chevron Packing PTFE
8 Shaft Seal Oring Viton
9 Belleville Washers SS201
10 Retaining Nut SS304
13 Shaft Seal Viton
14 Cap Gasket PTFE
15 Pneumatic Actuator Anodized Aluminium
16 Stops ASTM A276 316
17 Indicator Thermoplastic
18 Bonnet ASTM A351 CF8M


3 Way Plastic PVC Ball Valve Spring Return Pneumatic

Van Bi Nhựa PVC 3 Ngã Điều Khiển Khí Nén Có Lò Xo 1 Tác Động

3 way UV stabilised Spring Return Pneumatic PVC true union ball valve available in both L port and T port configurations. Comes with PTFE (Teflon) seats and our unique double stem seal system (standard in EPDM but also available in Viton). Also features a chem lock insert In the end so the true union can be removed for service work and the ball will not leak when in the closed position. Great PVC ball valve for corrosive or chemical media where traditional material such as brass and stainless steel are not suitable. Commonly used in the aquaculture industry (sea water), chemical dosing, water treatment and pool filtration. Choose between Solvent Weld (ANSI Standard designed to fit Schedule 40 & 80 pipe) and BSP threaded ends (Threads conform to ISO 7.1 Sealing Threads.).



Size 1/2" to 2" BSP & Solvent Weld
Body UV stabalised PVC
Pressure 10 BAR
Temperature Ambient
Actuation Spring Return Pneumatic.

3 Way Plastic PVC Ball Valve Double Acting Pneumatic

Van Bi Nhựa PVC 3 Ngã Điều Khiển Khí Nén 2 Tác Động

3 way UV stabilised Double Acting Pneumatic PVC true union ball valve available in both L port and T port configurations. Comes with PTFE (Teflon) seats and our unique double stem seal system (standard in EPDM but also available in Viton). Also features a chem lock insert In the end so the true union can be removed for service work and the ball will not leak when in the closed position. Great PVC ball valve for corrosive or chemical media where traditional material such as brass and stainless steel are not suitable. Commonly used in the aquaculture industry (sea water), chemical dosing, water treatment and pool filtration. Choose between Solvent Weld (ANSI Standard designed to fit Schedule 40 & 80 pipe) and BSP threaded ends (Threads conform to ISO 7.1 Sealing Threads.).



Size: 1/2" to 2" BSP & Solvent Weld
Body: UV stabalised PVC
Seat: PTFE
Pressure: 10 BAR
Temperature: Ambient
Actuation: Double Acting Pneumatic
